Interactive collaborative multimedia music project between DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka. The list of released videos included in this entry are as follows: 1) Es - Undercover (エス - アンダーカバー), May 15, 2020. 2) Haruka - Weakness (ハルカ - 弱肉共食), Jun 12, 2020. 3) Yuno - Umbilical (ユノ - アンビリカル), Jul 17, 2020. 4) Fuuta - Bring It On (フータ - 事変上等), Sep 18, 2020. 5) Muu - After Pain (ムウ - アフターペイン), Oct 16, 2020. 6) Shidou - Throw Down (シドウ - スローダウン), Dec 11, 2020. 7) Mahiru - This Is How To Be In Love With You (マヒル - 愛なんですよ), Jan 15, 2021. 8) Kazui - half (カズイ - half), Mar 19, 2021. 9) Amane - Magic (アマネ - おまじない), Apr 16, 2021. 10) Mikoto - MeMe (ミコト - MeMe), Aug 13, 2021. 11) Kotoko - HARROW (コトコ - HARROW), Nov 26, 2021.
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