MILGRAM Second Season
MILGRAM The Second Trial
Second season of the interactive collaborative multimedia music project between DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka. The list of released videos included in this entry are as follows: 1) Haruka - All-Knowing and All-Agony (ハルカ - 全知全悩), Aug 24, 2022. 2) Yuno - Tear Drop (ユノ - Tear Drop), Sept 21, 2022. 3) Fuuta - Backdraft (フータ - バックドラフト), Nov 23, 2022. 4) Muu - It's Not My Fault (ムウ - 悪くないもん), Jan 25, 2023. 5) Shidou - Triage (シドウ - トリアージ), Mar 22, 2023. 6) Mahiru - I Love You (マヒル - だいすき), May 31, 2023. 7) Kazui - Cat (カズイ - Cat), July 26, 2023. 8) Amane - The Purge March (アマネ - 粛清マーチ), Aug 30, 2023. 9) Mikoto - Double (ミコト - ダブル), Oct 25, 2023. 10) Kotoko - Deep Cover (コトコ - ディープカバー), Jan 17, 2024.
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