fall 2007
Tsuri Baka Eika-san! Sky Girls Dynamite Fishing
1. Gekitou! Ayu Tsuri Taikai (激闘!鮎釣り大会, Fierce Battle! Trout Fishing Contest) 2. Bakuchou! Mutsugorou Tsuri! (爆釣!ムツゴロウ釣り!, Explosive Catch! Mudskipper Fishing!) 3. Iso Keseen! Mejina Tsuri! (磯決戦!メジナ釣り!, Seashore Battle! Blackfish Fishing!) 4. Kyoui! Piranha Tsuri! (驚異!ピラニア釣り!, Astonishing! Piranha Fishing!) 5. Zairaishu o Mamore! Bass Tsuri Taikai! (在来種を守れ!バス釣り大会!, Protect the Indigenous Species! Bass Fishing Contest!) 6. Ebi de Tai Tsuru Kurodai Tsuri! (エビでタイ釣るクロダイ釣り!, Fish the Porgy with Prawns. Black Porgy Fishing!) 7. Tai wa Kitsui zo! Jirihin Madai Tsuri (鯛はキツイぞ!ジリ貧 真鯛釣り!, The Porgy`s Really Tough! Getting Poorer by the Day! Red Tai Fishing!) 8. Tenpura, Karaage, Tokini Skate! Hikami no Wakasagi Tsuri! (天ぷら、唐揚げ、時にスケート!氷上のワカサギ釣り!, Tempura, Deep Fried Food, and Sometimes Skates! Pond Smelt Fishing on Top of Ice!) 9. Suteru Bubun wa Hitotsu mo Nai zo! Daikaigen no Daisakusen Kujira! (捨てる部分は一つもないぞ!大海原の大決戦クジラ!, There`s No Part That Should Be Thrown Away! Great Battle with the Whale of the Great Deep!)